8 Amazing Hippo Facts To Know Before Your African Safari
An African safari promises one of the most thrilling encounters with wildlife you can have safely. Among the continent's diverse encounters, one of the most iconic is the African hippo. They are one of the most interesting creatures to know about and the fascination gets deeper as you learn more.
Here are 8 amazing hippo facts to know about before your African safari Kenya or Tanzania.
The hippopotamus is the second largest animal on the African subcontinent. Even the lions and crocodiles can only prey on baby hippos, as an adult hippo has no known predators.
Being the deadliest animals in Africa, they kill more than 450 people every year. Hippos can run faster than an average human and underestimating them might be a deadly blunder.
Hippos are vegetarians and can eat up to 50 kg of grass every night to keep fueling their huge bodies.
These large mammals are more closely associated with dolphins and whales than with any other land animal.
A hippo opening up its jaws is a clear sign of aggression, coupled with the strongest bite force of all land animals; it is indeed a deadly sight in real life.
They are strongly territorial, as hippos have been known to attack lions sometimes. And their bite can easily kill a Nile River crocodile.
Hippos do not sink, as the thick layer of fat keeps them buoyant. They can stay underwater for up to 16 hours but need to come to the surface every five minutes to breathe.
They were once spread throughout the rivers of Europe as well but now, due to the splicing up of the habitat, they have been restricted to the African inland and can only be viewed in a Kenyan or Tanzania safari.
As you set foot on this vast continent, be armed with knowledge about these natural tanks so that you can appreciate these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.
If you want to see them yourself, then it is best to choose trips curated by travel partners like Jokotta Discoveries. They are dedicated to conservation and wildlife protection while curating only naturalist-led excursions. Visit Jokotta Discoveries to check out their trips or to drop a name and their team will reach out to you with all the information you need.
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